I - Develop Stronger Sexual Connections while Overcoming Sex Shame

  • Learn to set the Atmosphere by incorporating the natural elements
  • Setting collective intentions & super charging them with cosmic orgasms
  • How to tune into your partners inner most desires, physically & creatively
  • How to perform divine oral orgasmic stimulation
  • In depth intercourse techniques before & after that promotes prolonged orgasms
  • Couple’s in sync breathing technique that promotes oneness
  • Sexual massage game that’s designed to build comfort, arousal & anticipation
  • Reciting affirmations during intercourse techniques
  • Grounding & replenishing methods that restore energy naturally (Bonus)

After the course couples: ❤ Be more in tune with each other’s energy ❤ Speak each other’s love language ❤ Have more fulfilling sex resulting in explosive orgasms with intent ❤ Have a deeper heart to heart connection ❤ Increase probability of Creating Life if unable previously ❤ Over come sex shame ❤ Passionate more balanced love life ❤ Feel more liberated & empowered


Pre Order Course @ $444.00



II - Divine Masculine, Sacred Sex Conditioning Course

  • In this Course we focus on Divine Masculine & Sacred Sex Conditioning (high libido diet, exercising, mental & physical sacred techniques) that would enable one to transcend from Man to Godhood. 
  • One would be able to please his partner taking them to new heights of never experienced before pleasures & orgasms ⚕
  • Sign up for details – Pre Order Course @ $999.00